DropZone Testimonials
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Click for larger picture! WOW.
Not a bad day over 20 Drop Zones. 45 minutes from first to last shot. 4 shooters 8 per person limit 32 total for the morning..
Bill Crim MA Outfitters 2009
I still recall my first phone conversation in Jan. 04 with Denise and then Paul about their DropZone decoys.Here in Ne. we own a piece of farm ground next to the platte river. We have spent countless hours developing this into our private waterfowl mecca. Typical with most other hunters along the platte we had a mass of Bigfoot decoys to set in our flooded cornfield. During migrations our hunting was spectacular. However once the birds had been here 3 days our shots went from 10yds to 50plus yds. The birds simply would not finish. Frustrated from no shooting opportunity in early Jan. I called Aero. Denise was very helpful however I wasn’t ready to drop this kind of money for a decoy on a womans suggestions. A phone call to Paul, whether it was a mans voice or that he was actually in the field preparing for the next days hunt convinced me I had to try a dozen of these and the flutterwing.
DropZone decoys and conversations with Paul have significantly changed the way we set up for geese. Unless we knew there would be a migration and have to run high flying traffic we specifically set out just the DropZones along with 2 flutterwings. The 06-07 season was cut short with major ice throughout the Midwest. One flock per day throughout Nov. and Dec. was the extent of birds we would see.

I hit the lottery hunting geese with a double banded $100 reward Canada goose. Notice the Drop Zones in the background. Hope you can put this on your website - I think people will get a kick out of the double banded bird. The season has been just great, thanks to the Drop Zones.
November 5, 2006 Travis, Mn.
This is a winner! Double Banded Goose
Testimony from Mike Bersen of Eagle Lakes, Washington State. 5-06
After testing your DropZone’s and putting them through the paces for a whole season, your DropZones aresuperb decoysand worth the investment.
Paint quality is second to none. Decoying ability is amazing.
I was landing geese in the decoys the last day!
Durability in all weather conditions. Most stable decoy. Didn't’t blow over.
Everything on the web site is true about the decoys.
Everyone wanted to buy them from me. No. That's why I am buying more!
"The goose decoys I purchased from you have lived
up to every thing Paul said, including;
"...the only problem you will have with these decoys
is the geese will land too quick.
Loved every minute hunting with them this past fall.
Thanks again!!"
TL Olson

Not bad, hugh! Shawn.
Couple days latter they even did better in the wind- no blow overs.

First Hunt. Picture speaks for its self!

This is a pictureI took using a camera phone of the geese landing in my spread of DropZone Elites. The picture shows you how close they come in and the real geese standing in the decoys shows how well the decoys work. The photo was taken in wyoming were we hunt.
The geese do this all year long with the drop zone elites.
Shad Maximum Waterfowling
More of Shads pics are below. Thanks Shad from Aero

We shot these birds in 20 minutes in 40 mile an hour wind. We only had out 11 DropZone's which stood up great in the wind. The Best part was we did not go out until 9:45 am (the wind was blowing so hard you could not see 100 yards before that) so when it let up we ran and set up what we could ad they came right in! Shad

"Not bad huh!
"The hunt was 49 minutes from start to end.
Even went out into the decoys and landed a bird
by calling from the DropZone's.
All freshly plowed wheat field "DIRT FIELD"
The picture speaks for itself.
DropZones make a difference.
9-24-05 Bill, Maryland

First time ever goose hunting. We had just one dozen DropZones, and WOW they worked!. Lived up to their name. No circling- they just flew right in. The geese passed by some other big spreads to get to our set up of one dozen of DropZones.4 shots each and we both got our 3 bird limit, because they came in so close. ( We did have a camo jacket, but that is all.) I will be ordering some more, but now I know I do not need a huge spread. If they work, they are worth the cost! Thanks for making my first goose hunt a success.
Chris 9-11-04

I just wanted to send I picture and tell Paul and everyone about my opening Iowa season and first time hunting with the Drop Zone Decoys. I hunted a large pond with my 6 year old daughter; there was another hunting party of 6 guys on the other hill of the pond using a QUANTITY of another brand of full bodied decoys .I used 18 Drop Zones. The geese were flaring off their decoys really bad and coming right over into the Drop Zones .I shot my limit (2 here in Iowa) and then my daughter and I sat in amazement as more geese flared off the other decoys and landed in the Drop Zones!!!! The other 6 guys only ended up with one goose and it was a pass shot .Notice one of the geese that my daughter is holding is banded. Thanks Again for the great decoys. They are worth every smile on my daughters face!!!!!
Darin 10-04 Iowa
P.S. The only problem was that neither one weighed 18 lbs!!!!! (laugh)

Not to bad for a southern boy. Done by 8 AM with only a few decoys!!
Geese did not circle, but landed right on them. Two were pecking on the lead sentry and they were frustrated because he would not respond (that is the decoy we are talking about.)
And got a banded goose to boot!
October 2004, Greg M in Virginia

February y4th 2005 , Maryland.
We initiated his new batch of Drop Zone Elites this morning with a near limit by 9 a.m. The decoys looked awesome against 4 inches of new snow.
While we were leaving the field - decoys still in place - about 200 Canada's pitched right in on them. My hunting companions were more than impressed by our memorable outing.

Click on the above pictures to see Youth Hunt -larger pictures..
Submitted by "Bill The Believer...after he saw how well the DropZones preformed!

I will honestly say that it was a surprise to here from you just out of the blue to say hi and tell me that you appreciate my business . I did appreciate that , too bad there aren't more people like you and your husband who take pride in there work and also make time for there customers . It's always a pleasure to deal with you . I do have some pictures to send you of one of my late January hunts here in New Jersey , and of course the decoys in the photo are your elites . I must say that I am very happy with the quality of your product as well as the customer relations and service I received with my first order. Kevin K