Pro Staff
The Pro Staff pages are under development, please accept our apologies.
Field Staff: Qualifications
Aero Outdoors is looking for some passionate, personable and experienced hunters who will respect the resources and fellow hunters, who will use Aero Products and promote them. Hunter must have the highest integrity, a good reputation, exhibit good sportsmanship, be a conservationist, set a good example to the community and fellow hunters, be law abiding and enjoy sharing the outdoor experiences. Must be 21 years old, be in good standing with all regulating agencies and be a legal citizen of the USA. Hunter will be expected to submit a draft bio summary and success pictures with application. After acceptance a minimum of one story per season which may be used on Aero's web site and in out items. Plus Field-Staffers will be a positive representative for Aero in the field, on-line and at shows, seminars etc.Pro-Staff will receive discounts for products for personal use(not to be purchased for friends, etc)and a some free items, along with hunts with Burbank Guide Service ( for a small fee).
A few will be chosen from each state.
Pro Staff: Qualifications
Same qualitfications as the Field Staff, but the Pro-Staffers will have added benifits and will use Aero Products for their Guide Service, will work trade shows or boths at Calling contests etc. In return the will receive discounts and percentage of all sales. Plus Pro-Staffers will be a positive representative for Aero in the field, on-line and at shows, seminars etc.
We look forward to having a close relationship with our Pro-Staff, which will actually become a partnership and a win-win for all.
The applications are the same, but Aero will choose who will be on the Pro-Staff, with members being able to progress from being an Aero Field-Staff to Pro-Staff.
More information will come with the application.
Application link
- Complete the application and submit it to email.
- Submit quality pictures via email.
I need pictures of you hunting. They need to be good quality (digital & not fuzzy), clearly show the faces and give a positive impression. I do not want pics where everyone looks like they are having a bad time in the outdoors. Also, show the correct limits for the people shown. Some of the pictures will be placed on the Internet, so please send some good ones. - Picture format
I would like the pictures to be cropped if needed, be no larger than 6 x8, and they do not have to be high resolution, but only. 72 to 100 dpi which is acceptable for internet use. However if we use any pictures for promotion and in any printed materials, we will need them in 300 dpi. Raw pictures shot from a newer digital camera can be rendered into a lower DPI for email and internet purposes. - BIO: we need a draft bio to be placed on the Internet. Just a positive summary recap of you, your favority hunt types, why and why you hunt are some good points to cover. We will edit for internet use.
- After all items are submitted then an acceptance letter will be sent to the applicant.
Many ask if they can get discounts. Yes, if they qualify and are approved. Each application will be reviewed and approved upon its merits and some allowances might be made on the 3 out of 5.An outfitter must have 3 out of the 5 following:
- Be currently registered with their state as a business and provide a copy of the registration,
- Have a current web site and provide address; or blog page, etc.
- Phone number registered for the guide/outfitter business.
- Provide a copy of their state license, if their state requires one.
- Do you currently exhibit or participate at outdoor shows, fairs, calling contests or ?
If so please let us know where and when.
Would also be interested in promoting or selling Aero products?
Also, Aero would like a summary of the type of business, what is your position, how many years in business, how many years have you been with this outfitter, how many years hunting, service area, number of employees. Records must be updated annually, or as needed.
You can refer to the Pro-Staff application to use as a basis of information to provide Aero. We like to get to know those we partner with, so please share any further information which you consider pertinent. A higher discount will be given to an Outfitter, because they will have the opportunity to share with more hunters Aero's products. All terms and conditions of a Pro-Staff will apply.
Minimum quantities will apply to some products. Purchases are for the outfitter's commercial use. Drop SHip discounts will be different.
You can email us with your request.
Pro-Staff Application