Full Curl Testimonies and Success Pictures
More success pics can be seen on Burbank's Guide Service web site. Success at Burbank Goose Guide ServiceAero Outdoors' products increased success by 30%, with Full Curls & Maximus Blinds.gineer for Aero Outdoors.
I just received my boxes of Full Curls. They were the seconds and I could not find anything wrong with them. They look awesome....so good that when I wife came home she walked in the living room and asked "What are those live ducks doing in my living room". Thanks for the promp service too. T.R., Arkansas
"Tried 1 box of Full Curls, just 6 decoys and put them out in front. Out shot the others around us by 2 to 1. I am getting some " - Anonymous, Oklahoma
"Just a quick thank you to let you folks know how much I enjoy doing business with you. Your products are first class and your customer service has been second to none. I have recently flocked a number of duck decoys with your kits and must say this appears to be the best looking and most durable flocking I have used. Looking forward to getting my Full CURL DECOYS and look forward to several memorable hunts using your products. Good luck in the field this fall." - P. W., Wyoming
Passing on the hunting heritage:
Two 6 year old's '1st Hunt'. Paytin (Paul's Granddaughter) and Peter (friends grandson) learning to love the outdoors! Memories that will last a lifetime.
Grandpa's and Grandchildren.

"Got the new Drake decoys out on the water today and they worked great! Took no effort to get them to and from the blind due to the weight and they looked great out on the water. For the lighting of this time of year the decoys looked perfect ...But most importantly was the fact that the ducks really liked them. Whenever we got the attention of a group, there was total commitment on the ducks' part. They must be lucky decoys as well, the first bird shot over them was banded."
"Do you know that when hunters see the Full Curls set up in the pond, they stop and glass them and start to approach until they see us. This has happened more than one time. They not only fool the ducks, they also fool the hunters too!" - S.M., Minnesota
"Bought 2 boxes last week and broke them in on Saturday. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.The ducks just dive bombed right in. That's all I had...2 boxes of Full Curls and a Flutter-Wing. It made getting my limit quick and easy. I am impressed and thought you might want to know." - C. W., Washington
"Just opened the box. What a work of art. They are a lot nicer than I expected. I can't wait to use them." - J.M., Illinois
"The drakes are very lifelike on the water. The paint coloration (which I initially thought would be too dark) is
spot on and the flocking really stands out. Two guys that were hunting with me last week both commented on a couple of occasions how good they looked." - E.J., Oregon. 12/2007
Now on to the important stuff. These decoys look flat-out awesome on the water and the ducks think so too. My buddy and I shot our limit of eight mallards in short order on Saturday, which isn't easy where we hunt. We usually have a lot of high fliers that have recently been shot at from nearby waters. I was nervous because the ducks were actually trying to land on the decoys. I warned my buddy not to shoot my brand new Full-Curls! I can't wait until next hunt. Thanks again for a great product.
Pinckney, Michigan 11-05-07
"Full Curl decoys looked too dark when I received them, but I tried them like you suggested .I set them to one side and my other decoys on the other side. The darnest thing happened. I shot some ducks over The Full Curls and my dog was sent for the retrieve. My dog came back with a Full Curl Decoy instead of the duck. I was made at the dog!! But guess that says they work....fooled the ducks and my dog too! I'll keep 'em and use them. Thought you would get a chuckle out of my story!" - J.S., Alaska. 12/2007
"Got my deeks. Let the harvest begin.
My sympathy pours out to those who demanded a refund due to an > untimely act of God, but I can't help saying - Stupid is as stupid does. Heck, the northern mallards aren't even here yet. It's in the 80s across the breadbasket and I'm still in shirt sleeves.
Thank you for your ongoing communication regarding the events. That > is my kind of customer service." - Hank H. 11/2007
Aero Held a Contest. Winners were drawn from entries submitted. 2005
"Thanks...for the consolation prize of the signed dek. Only bad thing about it is now
all my cheap, old dekes look like crap up next to it in the spread!" - Al Sterkx

"Wanted to say thank you for the Full Curl mallard decoy that I won. It is a very nice decoy. My son has claimed it as HIS hunting decoy. He has a good eye for quality I guess. Very nice. Thanks again" - Pete Gutbrod
"My son was so excited to see that picture on the web site. That was very nice of you. Thanks again and keep up the great work and customer service." - Pete Gutbrod
"Was out hunting today. The only way I could tell the difference from the real ducks and the Full Curls, where the Full Curls sat higher on the water. The mallards saw them and just sailed right in and sat tight in the deks. Of course we got some on their way in. Great decoys." - Bill F., Seattle, Washington
"Attached you will find a picture of my son and some ducks we recently shot over a Full Curl spread at out duck club. We used the Full-Curl's to get ducks on the pond that morning and finished up with ducks in the field that evening using the Full-Curl's in the corn. We love them and as you can see so do the mallards. We hunted a public stretch of river this weekend and had to set up next to an outfitter and his clients on a private piece adjoining. Well we only packed in 3 dozen Full Curls but we totally out shot the guide. They fired two shots to our near limit on ducks." - Scott, Colorado 12/2005

Complete testimony.
"Here is a picture of a tough day on Ft Cobb in Oklahoma, there were
three other groups of hunters, all with about 4 dz decoys, and spinning wing decoys.
We spoke with the people that did as much shooting as we did,
they killed 4 between 4 guys, we killed 9 between 2 guys, and my buddy missed all but 1 shot. I think it was because the full curls were out in front, we used about 3 dz other decoys. We are going to try just using the 1/2 dz
Full Curls that I have this Tuesday, and see if these decoys are making a
huge difference.
One thing that I did notice was that the ducks had no problem going in between the Full Curls, and land, (which usually does not happen with these later season birds). I will be getting some more of these decoys!" - Donnie Price, www.fish-n-feathers.com 12/2005